In April of 1994, Lee Barnett picked up her 11-month-old daughter, Savanna, from her ex-husband Harris Todd’s house in Charleston, South Carolina. They were supposed to return at around six o’clock that evening. But they never showed up. Over the next 20 years, they’d travel the world together, as Lee fled from her child’s father, the FBI, and numerous international agencies. She claimed she was saving her daughter from an abusive father. But Harris claimed that Dorothy was the actual abuser. 


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Show Notes

Hosted and produced by Erica Kelley 

Researched and written by Erica Kelly and Andrea Marshbank

Original Graphic Art by Coley Horner 

Original Music by Rob Harrison of Gamma Radio 

Edited & Mixed by Brandon Schexnayder & Erica Kelley 

Recommended by Nate and others